U.S. Department of Agriculture: Agricultural Research Service, Lincoln, Nebraska


Document Type


Date of this Version



Published in J. Reprod. Fert. (1980) 59, 145-150


Response of the cryptorchid testis to gonadotrophic stimulation was assessed by comparison of the androgen production capability in vivo and in vitro with that of the normal scrotal testis. Serum androgen concentrations in cryptorchid rats were similar to those in normal rats, and the incremental increase 60 min after 50 i.u. hCG (i.v.) was about 7-fold for both groups. Basal and hCG-stimulated androgen production in vitro was higher for abdominal testes (557 and 3286 ng/pair) than for scrotal tests (157 and 504 ng/pair). Specific binding of hCG by testicular homogenates was slightly higher (P < 0·05)for cryptorchid testes when expressed per unit weight, but Scatchard analysis indicated that although hCG binding affinities did not differ (Ka = 2×1010 M-1), hCG binding capacity of cryptorchid testes was only 75 ng, compared to 219 ng for scrotal testes. These data indicate that a discrepancy exists between androgen production in vivo and in vitro by cryptorchid testes and that normal serum androgen concentrations are maintained in the presence of decreased numbers of testicular LH/hCG receptors.
