U.S. Department of Commerce


Date of this Version



PB 87782, Department of Commerce, OFFICE OF TECHNICAL SERVICES, Library Division, February 1948


This publication lists all of the reports on atomic energy which have been released by the Office of Technical Services. Included are reports of both the United States and Great Britain. These reports are available to interested parties in either photostat
or microfilm form. Reports should be ordered from OTS by PB number and the order should be accompanied by a check or money order made payable to the Treasurer of the United States.

For convenience this publication is arranged in four parts:

Part 1. List of American Atomic Energy Reports.

Part 2. Numerical Index to American Atomic Energy Reports giving PB number, Bibliography Citation* and prices. (* The "Bibligraphy of Scientific and Industrial Reports" is a weekly publication prepared by OTS containing abstracts of 1500 scientific and technical reports. Subscriptions at $10.00 per year may be
placed with the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C.)

Part 3. Numerical Index to American Atomic Energy Reports by PB numbers.

Part 4. List of British Atomic Energy Reports giving complete information CPB number,prices,etc.)
