U.S. Department of Commerce
Date of this Version
Technical Report No. PB 430, includes:
REPORT NO, 12 of June 11, 1945. SUBJECT: General Policy on Production and on Research and Development.
Report No. 13 of 20 June 1945. SUBJECT: SPEER MINISTRY PERSONNEL.
REPORT No. 14 of 13 June 1945. SUBJECTS: A. Supply or Armaments to forces in the field. B. Production planning. C. Proportion between air frames and aero engines
REPORT NO. 16, based on the examination of SAUR, Chief of Technisches Amt, held at 1600 hours 23 June, 1945. SUBJECT: Information on Archives of the Technisches Amt
Technical Report No. PB 430, Office of the Publication Board, Dept. of Commerce
This report has been declassified and released to the Office of the Publication Board by the War and Navy Departments.