US Fish & Wildlife Service
Date of this Version
The following report provides up-todate information so birders and policy
makers can make informed decisions regarding the management of birds and
their habitats. This report identifies who birders are, where they live, how
avid they are, and what kinds of birds they watch. In addition to demographic
information, this report also provides an economic measure of birding. It
estimates how much birders spend on their hobby and the economic impact of these expenditures.
By understanding who birders are, they can be more easily reached and informed about pressures facing birds and bird habitats. Conversely, by knowing who is likely not a birder, or who is potentially a birder, information can be more effectively tailored. The economic impact estimates presented here can be used by resource managers and policy makers to demonstrate the economic might of birders and, by extension, the economic impact of birds.
All data presented here are from the wildlife-watching section of the 2006
National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation (FHWAR). It is the most comprehensive survey of wildlife recreation in the United States. Overall, 11,300 detailed wildlifewatching interviews were completed with a response rate of 78 percent. The Survey focused on 2006 participation and expenditures by U.S. residents 16 years of age and older.
Published in Report 2006-4, 1-20, (2006)