US Geological Survey


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Published in Hydraulic Engineering: Saving a Threatened Resource—In Search of Solutions: Proceedings of the Hydraulic Engineering sessions at Water Forum ’92. Baltimore, Maryland, August 2–6, 1992. Published by American Society of Civil Engineers.


Stormwater runoff in urban and industrialized areas carries a considerable amount of pollutants to nearby lakes and streams. In an effort to control this source of pollution, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has issued stormwater regulations to control these discharges. Municipalities with a population of 100,000 or more must undertake a process to obtain permits to control the quality of their storm runoff. The Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex includes seven cities that must meet these regulations and obtain permits. The U.S. Geological Survey is assisting the North Texas Council of Governments and its associated cities in meeting the water science requirements of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permitting process.
