United States Geological Survey: Staff Publications | US Geological Survey | University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Scientific research by the United States Geological Survey staff, published in outside (that is, non-USGS) publications or scholarly journals.




Toxicological effects assessment for wildlife in the 21st century: Review of current methods and recommendations for a path forward, Thomas G. Bean, Val R. Beasley, Philippe Berny, Karen M. Eisenreich, John E. Elliott, Margaret L. Eng, Phyllis C. Fuchsman, Mark S. Johnson, Mason D. King, Rafael Mateo, Carolyn B. Meyer, Christopher J. Salice, and Barnett A. Rattner


Effects of Lead Exposure on Birds Breeding in the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District, Rebecka Brasso, Danielle Cleveland, Frank R. Thompson III, David E. Mosby, Kathy Hixson, Melissa Roach, Barnett A. Rattner, Natalie K. Karouna-Renier, and Julia S. Lankton


Preliminary Evidence of Anticoagulant Rodenticide Exposure in American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) in the Western United States, Evan R. Buechley, Dave Oleyar, Jesse L. Watson, Jennifer Bridgeman, Steven Volker, David A. Goldade, Catherine E. Swift, and Barnett A. Rattner


A complex record of last interglacial sea-level history and paleozoogeography, Santa Rosa Island, Channel Islands National Park, California, USA, Daniel R. Muhs, Lindsey T. Groves, Kathleen R. Simmons, R. Randall Schumann, and Scott A. Minor


Wildlife ecological risk assessment in the 21st century: Promising technologies to assess toxicological effects, Barnett A. Rattner, Thomas G. Bean, Val R. Beasley, Philippe Berny, Karen M. Eisenreich, John E. Elliott, Margaret L. Eng, Phyllis C. Fuchsman, Mason D. King, Rafael Mateo, Carolyn B. Meyer, Jason M. O'Brien, and Christopher J. Salice


Review of harmful algal bloom effects on birds with implications for avian wildlife in the Chesapeake Bay region, Barnett A. Rattner, Catherine E. Wazniak, Julia S. Lankton, Peter C. McGowan, Serguei V. Drovetski, and Todd A. Egerton



Using active source seismology to image the Palos Verdes Fault damage zone as a function of distance, depth, and geology, Travis Alongi, Emily E. Brodsky, Jared Kluesner, and Daniel Brothers


Within‑marsh and Landscape Features Structure Ribbed Mussel Distribution in Georgia, USA, Marshes, William K. Annis, Elizabeth A. Hunter, and John M. Carroll


Fluids and Melts at the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition, Recorded by Unidirectional Solidification Textures at Saginaw Hill, Arizona, USA, Wyatt M. Bain, Pilar Lecumberri-Sanchez, Erin E. Marsh, and Matthew Steele-MacInnis


Do Pharmaceuticals in the Environment Pose a Risk to Wildlife?, Thomas G. Bean, Elizabeth A. Chadwick, Marta Herrero‐Villar, Rafael Mateo, Vinny Naidoo, and Barnett A. Rattner


Speciation with gene flow in a narrow endemic West Virginia cave salamander (Gyrinophilus subterraneus), Evan H. Campbell Grant, Kevin P. Mulder, Adrianne B. Brand, Douglas B. Chambers, Addison H. Wynn, Grace Capshaw, Matthew L. Niemiller, John G. Phillips, Jeremy F. Jacobs, Shawn R. Kuchta, and Rayna C. Bell


Coastal paleogeography of the Pacific Northwest, USA, for the last 12,000 years accounting for three-dimensional earth structure, Jorie Clark, Jay R. Alder, Marisa Borreggine, Jerry X. Mitrovica, and Konstantin Latychev


Coastal paleogeography of the Pacific Northwest, USA, for the last 12,000 years accounting for three-dimensional earth structure, Jorie Clark, Jay R. Alder, Marisa Borreggine, Jerry X. Mitrovica, and Konstantin Latychev


Limited rigor in studies of raptor mortality and mitigation at wind power facilities, Tara J. Conkling, Christopher J.W. McClure, Sandra Cuadros, Scott R. Loss, and Todd E. Katzner


Foraging habitat selection of shrubland bird community in tropical dry forest, Anant Deshwal, Steven L. Stephenson, Pooja Panwar, Brett A. DeGregorio, Ragupathy Kannan, and John D. Willson


Influences of seasonality and habitat quality on Great Lakes coastal wetland fish community composition and diets, Sara N. Diller, Anna M. Harrison, Kurt P. Kowalski, Valerie J. Brady, Jan J. H. Ciborowski, Matthew J. Cooper, Joshua D. Dumke, Joseph P. Gathman, Carl R. Ruetz III, Donald G. Uzarski, Douglas A. Wilcox, and Jeffrey S. Schaeffer


Ignoring species availability biases occupancy estimates in single-scale occupancy models, Graziella V. DiRenzo, David A. W. Miller, and Evan H. C. Grant


One Health in action: flea control and interpretative education at Badlands National Park, David Eads, Lindsey Buehler, Anne Esbenshade, Jason Fly, Evan Miller, Holly Redmond, Emily Ritter, National Park Service, Sasha Wittmann, Paul Roghair, and Eddie Childers


Spatial stream modeling of Louisiana Waterthrush (Parkesia motacilla) foraging substrate and aquatic prey in a watershed undergoing shale gas development, Mack W. Frantz, Petra B. Wood, and Steven C. Latta


Limits to coseismic landslides triggered by Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquakes, Alex R.R. Grant, William T. Struble, and Sean R. LaHusen


Level and pattern of overstory retention shape the abundance and long-term dynamics of natural and created snags, Charles B. Halpern, Allison K. Rossman, and Joan C. Hagar


Nutrient Restoration of a Large, Impounded, Ultra-Oligotrophic Western River to Recover Declining Native Fishes, Ryan S. Hardy, Tyler J. Ross, Kevin N. McDonnell, Michael C. Quist, Charlie Holderman, and Bryan S. Stevens


Population genetics reveals bidirectional fish movement across the Continental Divide via an interbasin water transfer, Audrey C. Harris, Sara J. Oyler-McCance, Jennifer A. Fike, Matthew P. Fairchild, Christopher M. Kennedy, Harry J. Crockett, Dana L. Winkelman, and Yoichiro Kanno


Collateral damage: Anticoagulant rodenticides pose threats to California condors, Garth Herring, Collin A. Eagles-Smith, Rachel Wolstenholme, Alacia Welch, Chris West, and Barnett A. Rattner


Hydrogen isotope behavior during rhyolite glass hydration under hydrothermal conditions, Michael R. Hudak, Ilya N. Bindeman, James M. Watkins, and Jacob B. Lowenstern


Comparative behavioral ecotoxicology of Inland Silverside larvae exposed to pyrethroids across a salinity gradient, Sara J. Hutton, Samreen Siddiqui, Emily I. Pedersen, Christopher Y. Markgraf, Amelie Segarra, Michelle L. Hladik, Richard E. Connon, and Susanne M. Brander


Seasonality of precipitation in the southwestern United States during the late Pleistocene inferred from stable isotopes in herbivore tooth enamel, Matthew J. Kohn, Kathleen B. Springer, Jeffrey S. Pigati, Linda M. Reynard, Amanda E. Drewicz, Justin Crevier, and Eric Scott


A Critical Review of Bioaccumulation and Biotransformation of Organic Chemicals in Birds, Dave T. F. Kuo, Barnett A. Rattner, Sarah C. Marteinson, Robert Letcher, Kim J. Fernie, Gabriele Treu, Markus Deutsch, Mark S. Johnson, Sandrine Deglin, and Michelle Embry


Science of the Total Environment, Benjamin Linhoff


Evidence for the ~ 1.4 Ga Picuris orogeny in the central Colorado Front Range, Asha A. Mahatma, Yvette D. Kuiper, and christopher S. Holm-Denoma


Neural net detection of seismic features related to gas hydrates and free gas accumulations on the northern U.S. Atlantic margin, Urmi Majumdar, Nathaniel C. Miller, and Carolyn D. Ruppel


Sinistral shear during Middle Jurassic emplacement of the Matancilla Plutonic Complex in northern Chile (25.4 S) as evidence of oblique plate convergence during the early Andean orogeny, S. P. Mavor, J. S. Singleton, G. Heuser, R. Gomila, N. M. Seymour, S. Williams, and G. Arancibia


Sinistral shear during Middle Jurassic emplacement of the Matancilla Plutonic Complex in northern Chile (25.4◦ S) as evidence of oblique plate convergence during the early Andean orogeny, S.P. Mavor, J.S. Singleton, G. Heuser, R Gomila, N.M. Seymour, S. Williams, and G. Arancibia


CoastalImageLib: An open- source Python package for creating common coastal image products, Maile P. McCann, Dylan L. Anderson, Christopher R. Sherwood, Brittany Bruder, A. Spicer Bak, and Katherine L. Brodie


Spatial and Temporal Distribution and Habitat Selection of Native Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout and Nonnative Utah Chub, Darcy K. McCarrick, Jeffrey C. Dillon, Brett High, and Michael C. Quist


Informing Management of Henrys Lake, Idaho, using an Integrated Catch-at-Age Model, Joshua L. McCormick, Jennifer Vincent, Brett High, Darcy K. McCarrick, and Michael C. Quist


Transcriptome signatures of wastewater effluent exposure in larval zebrafish vary with seasonal mixture composition in an effluent-dominated stream, Emma B. Meade, Luke R. Iwanowicz, Nicklaus Neureuther, Gregory H. LeFevre, Dana W. Kolpin, Hui Zhi, Shannon M. Meppelink, Rachael F. Lane, Angela Schmoldt, Aurash Mohaimani, Olaf Mueller, and Rebecca D. Klaper


Climate change alters aging patterns of reservoir aquatic habitats, Leandro E. Miranda and Nicky M. Faucheux


MIS 5e sea-level history along the Pacific coast of North America, Daniel R. Muhs


A systematic review and meta-analysis of the direct effects of nutrients on corals, Eileen M. Nalley, Lillian J. Tuttle, Emily E. Conklin, Alexandria L. Barkman, Devynn M. Wulstein, Madeline C. Schmidbauer, and Megan J. Donahue


A 14,100 cal B. P. Rocky Mountain locust cache from Winnemucca Lake, Pershing County, Nevada, Evan J. Pellegrini, Eugene M. Hattori, Larry Benson, John Southon, Hojun Song, and Derek A. Woller


Drivers of Pb, Sb and As release from spent gunshot in wetlands: Enhancement by organic matter and native microorganisms, Anna Potysz, Łukasz J. Binkowski, Jakub Kierczak, and Barnett A. Rattner


Very high Middle Miocene surface productivity on the U.S. mid-Atlantic shelf amid glacioeustatic sea level variability, Marci M. Robinson, Harry J. Dowsett, and Timothy D. Herbert


Paradigm versus paradox on the prairie: testing competing stream fish movement frameworks using an imperiled Great Plains minnow, Zachary D. Steffensmeier, Maeghen Wedgeworth, Lauren Yancy, Noah Santee, Shannon K. Brewer, and Joshuah S. Perkin


Air, land, and water variables associated with the first appearance and current spatial distribution of toxic Prymnesium parvum blooms in reservoirs of the Southern Great Plains, USA, Shisbeth Tábora-Sarmiento, Reynaldo Patiño, Carlos Portillo-Quintero, and Cade Coldren


The effects of estradiol-17β on the sex reversal, survival, and growth of green sunfish Lepomis cyanellus, Chad N. Teal, Daniel J. Schill, Susan B. Fogelson, Colby M. Roberts, Kevin Fitzsimmons, Javan M. Bauder, William T. Stewart, and Scott A. Bonar


Multi-omics responses in tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) nestlings from the Maumee Area of Concern, Maumee River, Ohio, Chi Yen Tseng, Christine M. Custer, Thomas W. Custer, Paul M. Dummer, Natalie Karouna-Renier, and Cole W. Matson


Discovering hidden geothermal signatures using non-negative matrix factorization with customized k-means clustering, V. V. Vesselinov, B. Ahmmed, M. K. Mudunuru, J. D. Pepin, E. R. Burns, D. L. Siler, S. Karra, and R. S. Middleton


Discovering hidden geothermal signatures using non-negative matrix factorization with customized k-means clustering, V.V. Vesselinov, B. Ahmmed, M.K. Mudunuru, J.D. Pepin, E.R. Burns, D.L. Siler, S. Karra, and R.S. Middleton


Toxicological responses to sublethal anticoagulant rodenticide exposure in free‑flying hawks, Nimish B. Vyas, Barnett A. Rattner, J. Michael Lockhart, Craig S. Hulse, Clifford P. Rice, Frank Kuncir, and Kevin Kritz


Coastal wetland area change for two freshwater diversions in the Mississippi River Delta, John R. White, Brady Couvillion, and John W. Day


Establishment of invasive Black Carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) in the Mississippi River basin: identifying sources and year classes contributing to recruitment, Gregory W. Whitledge, Patrick T. Kroboth, Duane C. Chapman, Quinton E. Phelps, Wes Sleeper, Jennifer Bailey, and Jill A. Jenkins


Sediment source fingerprinting as an aid to large-scale landscape conservation and restoration: A review for the Mississippi River Basin, Zhen Xu, Patrick Belmont, Janice Brahney, and Allen C. Gellis



A Reimagining of the Chacoan World, Larry Benson and Richard W. Loose


Elemental and radionuclide exposures and uptakes by small rodents, invertebrates, and vegetation at active and post-production uranium mines in the Grand Canyon watershed, Danielle Cleveland, Jo Ellen Hinck, and Julia S. Lankton


Exploiting common senses: sensory ecology meets wildlife conservation and management, Laura K. Elmer, Christine L. Madliger, Daniel T. Blumstein, Chris K. Elvidge, Esteban ernández-Juricic, Andrij Z. Horodysky, Nicholas S. Johnson, Liam P. McGuire, Ronald R. Swaisgood, and Steven J. Cooke


Ecology of an Isolated Muskrat Population During Regional Population Declines, Laken S. Ganoe, Matthew J. Lovallo, Justin D. Brown, and W. David Walter


Terrestrial ecological risk analysis via dietary exposure at uranium mine sites in the Grand Canyon watershed (Arizona, USA), Jo Ellen Hinck, Danielle Cleveland, and Bradley E. Sample


Metabarcoding assays for the detection of freshwater mussels (Unionida) with environmental DNA, Katy E. Klymus, Catherine A. Richter, Nathan Thompson, Jo Ellen Hinck, and Jess W. Jones


Managing for RADical ecosystem change: applying the Resist-Accept- Direct (RAD) framework, Abigail J. Lynch, Laura M. Thompson, Erik A. Beever, David N. Cole, Augustin C. Engman, Cat Hawkins Hoffman, Stephen T. Jackson, Trevor J. Krabbenhoft, David J. Lawrence, Douglas Limpinsel, Robert T. Magill, Tracy A. Melvin, John M. Morton, Robert A. Newman, Jay O. Peterson, Mark T. Porath, Frank J. Rahel, Gregor W. Schuurman, Suresh A. Sethi, and Jennifer L. Wilkening


Quantifying model structural uncertainty using airborne electromagnetic data, Burke J. Minsley, Nathan Leon Foks, and Paul A. Bedrosian


Exposure of predatory and scavenging birds to anticoagulant rodenticides in France: Exploration of data from French surveillance programs, Meg-Anne Moriceau, Sébastien Lefebvre, Isabelle Fourel, Etienne Benoit, Florence Buronfosse-Roque, Pascal Orabi, Barnett A. Rattner, and Virginie Lattard


Eolian Sediments, Daniel R. Muhs


Long-term African dust delivery to the eastern Atlantic Ocean from the Sahara and Sahel regions: Evidence from Quaternary paleosols on the Canary Islands, Spain, Daniel R. Muhs, Joaquín Meco, James R. Budahn, Gary L. Skipp, Kathleen R. Simmons, Matthew C. Baddock, Juan F. Betancourt, and Alejandro Lomoschitz


The marine terraces of Santa Cruz Island, California: Implications for glacial isostatic adjustment models of last-interglacial sea-level history, Daniel R. Muhs, R. Randall Schumann, Lindsey T. Groves, Kathleen R. Simmons, and Christopher R. Florian


Distribution and Trends of Endemic Hawaiian Waterbirds, Eben H. Paxton, Kevin Brinck, Adonia Henry, Afsheen Siddiqi, Rachel Rounds, and Jennifer Chutz


Interspecific and Local Variation in Tern Chick Diets Across Nesting Colonies in the Gulf of Maine, Keenan Yakola, Adrian Jordaan, Stephen Kress, Paula Shannon, and Michelle D. Staudinger



David Quentin Bowen: A memorial, John T. Andrews, David R. Bridgland, Peter U. Clark, Thomas M. Cronin, Claude Hillaire-Marcel, Darrel Maddy, Gifford H. Miller, Daniel R. Muhs, and Colin V. Murray-Wallace


Estimating Abiotic Thresholds for Sagebrush Condition Class in the Western United States, Stephen Boyte, Bruce K. Wylie, Yingxin Gu, and Donald J. Major


Characterization of Pallid Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) Spawning Habitat in the Lower Missouri River, Caroline M. Elliott, Aaron J. DeLonay, Kimberly Chojnacki, and Robert B. Jacobson


Uptake, Metabolism, and Elimination of Fungicides from Coated Wheat Seeds in Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica), Michael S. Gross, Thomas G. Bean, Michelle L. Hladik, Barnett A. Rattner, and Kathryn M. Kuivila


Uptake, Metabolism, and Elimination of Fungicides from Coated Wheat Seeds in Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica), Michael S. Gross, Thomas G. Bean, Michelle L. Hladik, Barnett A. Rattner, and Kathryn M. Kuivila


Evaluating Airsoft Electric Guns for Control of Invasive Brown Treesnakes, Adam J. Knox, Björn Lardner, Amy Yackel Adams, and Robert N. Reed


Increased drought severity tracks warming in the United States’ largest river basin, Justin T. Martin, Gregory T. Pederson, Connie A. Woodhouse, Edward R. Cook, Gregory J. McCabe, Kevin J. Anchukaitis, Erika K. Wise, Patrick J. Erger, Larry Dolan, Marketa McGuire, Subhrendu Gangopadhyay, Katherine J. Chase, Jeremy S. Litell, Stephen T. Gray, Scott St. George, Jonathan M. Friedman, David J. Sauchyn, Jeannine-Marie St-Jacques, and John King


Late Quaternary sea-level history of Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, USA: A test of tectonic uplift and glacial isostatic adjustment models, Daniel R. Muhs, Eugene S. Schweig, and Kathleen R. Simmons


Testing glacial isostatic adjustment models of last-interglacial sea level history in the Bahamas and Bermuda, Daniel R. Muhs, Kathleen R. Simmons, R. Randall Schumann, Eugene S. Schweig, and Mark P. Rowe


Impacts of environmental conditions on fleas in black-tailed prairie dog burrows, Julia E. Poje, Tonie Rocke, and Michael D. Samuel


Acoustic space occupancy: Combining ecoacoustics and lidar to model biodiversity variation and detection bias across heterogeneous landscapes, Danielle I. Rappaport, J. Andrew Royle, and Douglas C. Morton


Acoustic space occupancy: Combining ecoacoustics and lidar to model biodiversity variation and detection bias across heterogeneous landscapes, Danielle I. Rappaport, J. Andrew Royle, and Douglas C. Morton


Implementation of an occupancy-based monitoring protocol for a widespread and cryptic species, the New England cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis), Colin P. Shea, Mitchell J. Eaton, and Darryl I. MacKenzie


Repetitive Sampling and Control Threshold Improve 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing Results From Produced Waters Associated With Hydraulically Fractured Shale, Jenna L. Shelton, Elliott P. Barnhart, Leslie Ruppert, Aaron M. Jubb, Madalyn S. Blondes, and Christina A. DeVera


Human-associated species dominate passerine communities across the United States, Helen R. Sofaer, Curtis H. Flather, Catherine S. Jarnevich, and Kristin P. Davis


Human-associated species dominate passerine communities across the United States, Helen R. Sofaer, Curtis H. Flather, Catherine S. Jarnevich, Kristin P. Davis, and Liba Pejchar


Ecosystem processes, land cover, climate, and human settlement shape dynamic distributions for golden eagle across the western US, J.D. Tack, Barry R. Noon, Zachary Bowen, and Brad C. Fedy


Adjusting the lens of invasion biology to focus on the impacts of climate-driven range shifts, Piper D. Wallingford, Toni Lyn Morelli, Jenica M. Allen, Evelyn M. Beaury, Dana M. Blumenthal, Bethany A. Bradley, Jeffrey S. Dukes, Regan Early, Emily J. Fusco, Deborah E. Goldberg, Inés Ibáñez, Brittany B. Laginhas, Montserrat Vilà, and Cascade J.B. Sorte


Adjusting the lens of invasion biology to focus on the impacts of climate-driven range shifts, Piper D. Wallingford, Toni Lyn Morelli, Jenica M. Allen, Evelyn M. Beaury, Dana M. Blumenthal, Bethany A. Bradley, Jeffrey S. Dukes, Regan Early, Emily J. Fusco, Deborah E. Goldberg, Inés Ibáñez, Brittany B. Laginhas, Montserrat Vilà, and Cascade J.B. Sorte



Chaco Canyon, New Mexico: A Caretaker City and a Pilgrimage Destination, Larry Benson, Deanna N. Grimstead, John R. Stein, David A. Roth, and Terry I. Plowman


Prehistoric Chaco Canyon, New Mexico: Importation of meat and maize, Larry Benson, Deanna Grimstead, John R. Stein, David A. Rith, and Terry L. Plowman


Assessment of Chronic Low-Dose Elemental and Radiological Exposures of Biota at the Kanab North Uranium Mine Site in the Grand Canyon Watershed, Danielle Cleveland, Jo Ellen Hinck, and Julia S. Lankton


Spatial conservation planning under uncertainty: adapting to climate change risks using modern portfolio theory, Mitchell J. Eaton, Simeon Yurek, Zulqarnain Haider, Julien Martin, Fred A. Johnson, Bradley J. Udell, Hadi Charkhgard, and Changhyun Kwon


Spatial conservation planning under uncertainty: adapting to climate change risks using modern portfolio theory, Mitchell J. Eaton, Simeon Yurek, Zulqarnain Haider, Julien Martin, Fred Johnson, Bradley J. Udell, Hadi Charkhgard, and Changhyun Kwon


Growth, Condition, and Trophic Relations of Stocked Trout in Southern Appalachian Mountain Streams, Jesse R. Fischer, Thomas J. Kwak, H. Jared Flowers, W. Gregory Cope, Jacob M. Rash, and Douglas A. Besler


Seismic evidence for significant melt beneath the Long Valley Caldera, California, USA, Ashton F. Flinders, David R. Shelly, Philip B. Dawson, David P. Hill, Barbara Tripoli, and Yang Shen


Coastal Wetlands: A Synthesis, Charles S. Hopkinson, Eric Wolanski, Mark M. Brinson, Daonald R. Cahoon, and Gerardo M.E. Perillo


Coastal Wetlands: A Synthesis, Charles S. Hopkinson, Eric Wolanski, Mark M. Brinson, Donald R. Cahoon, and Gerardo M.E. Perillo


Flow alteration-ecology relationships in Ozark Highland streams: Consequences for fish, crayfish and macroinvertebrate assemblages, Dustin T. Lynch, Douglas R. easure, and Daniel D. Magoulick


Flow alteration-ecology relationships in Ozark Highland streams: Consequences for fish, crayfish and macroinvertebrate assemblages, Dustin Thomas Lynch, Douglas R. Leasure, and Daniel D. Magoulick


Management regime and habitat response influence abundance of regal fritillary (Speyeria idalia) in tallgrass prairie, K. McCullough, G. Albanese, D.A. Haukos, A.M. Ricketts, and S. Stratton


Promoting Change in Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) Nest Site Selection to Minimize Construction Related Disturbance., Peter C. McGowan, Jeffery D. Sullivan, Carl R. Callahan, William Schultz, Jennifer L. Wall, and Diann J. Prosser


Promoting Change in Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) Nest Site Selection to Minimize Construction Related Disturbance., Peter C. McGowan, Jeffery D. Sullivan, Carl R. Callahan, William Schultz, Jennifer L. Wall, and Diann J. Prosser