Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


Date of this Version



Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 87(3) (March 27, 1987)


Copyright 1987 University of Nebraska.


In This Issue:

-New Herbicide Update

New Herbicide Update

Many new herbicides have entered the market place for 1987. Some are combinations of familiar products, others are new. An overview of the new herbicides follows:

Corn-Sorgbum Herbicides

Atrabute+. A combination of 1.2 lbs.. atrazine plus 4.8 lbs.. butylate (Genate+ ) for PPI use in corn. Similar to Sutazine and Rhino. Griffin.

Atrabute+ II. 1.7 lbs. atrazine plus 4.3 lbs. butylate for corn growers that want a bit more broadleaf weed control. Griffin.

Conquest. A combination of 3 lbs. cyanazine (Bladex) plus 1 lb. atrazine. The sister product Extrazine has 2.7 lbs. cyanazine and 1.3 lbs.. atrazine. DuPont.

Laddok. A combination of 1.7 lbs.. atrazine plus 1.7 lbs.. bentazon (Basagran) for postemergence broadleaf weed control in corn and grain sorghum. BASF.

Marksman is a combination of 1.1 lbs.. dicamba (Banvel) and 2.1 lbs. atrazine for postemergence use in corn. Sandoz.

Rhino. A combination of 1.2 lbs. atrazine plus 4.8 lbs.. butylate for PPI use in corn. Similar to Sutazine and Atribute+. PPG.

Tandem (tridiphane). A post emergence herbicide used in combination with atrazine or Bladex for weed control in corn. Dow.
