Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of
Date of this Version
Insect Science, Plant Disease, & Weed Science, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 87(4) (April 10, 1987)
In This Issue:
-Weed Control in No-Till
-Update on Herbicide Registrations
-Lawn Weed Control
Weed Control in No-Till
Weed control is a key to success with no-till crop production. Control of weeds established at planting time as well as later developing weeds is required. New developments make economical, effective weed control programs available for most situations. One approach is to combine a postemergence and a residual herbicide applied at planting time. Another is to make an early preplant application of residual herbicides and eliminate the postemergence herbicide.
Update on Herbicide Registrations
Prozine 70DF is a prepackaged combination of Prowl (35%) and atrazine (35%) from American Cyanamid. Prozine is registered pre and early postemergence in field corn and postemergence incorporated in corn and grain sorghum. Do not apply Prozine preplant inco rporated.
Cobra (lactofen) from PPG just received registration for postemergence broadleaf weed control in soybeans. Cobra is a contact herbicide and like Basagran and Blazer is most effective on smaller weeds. Weeds controlled by Cobra include cocklebur, morningglories, pigweed, and velvetleaf.
Lawn Weed Control
Record high temperatures in early March temporarily advanced the turf care calendar. In parts of Nebraska foxtails and crabgrass did germinate in "early warming" sites such as bare soil and thin sod areas adjacent to curbs, driveways, sidewalks, and foundations, but not in good turf.
Low temperatures in late March finished off most of the "early germinators" and cooled the soil. Once again we're back to the usual pattern of preemergence application -- late April and early May south of the Platte River and one to three weeks later northward.
Copyright 1987 University of Nebraska