Afghanistan: The Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection at the University of Nebraska-Omaha


Date of this Version



New and rev. ed. London: R. Bentley, 1842.


v.1. Geographical description of Afghaunistaun. Situation and boundaries of Afghaunistaun -- Mountains of Afghaunistaun -- Rivers of Afghaunistaun -- Natural and political divisions of Afghaunistaun -- Of the climate of Afghaunistaun--rain -- Animals, vegetables, minerals of Afghaunistaun -- General account of the inhabitants of Afghaunistaun. Introduction, origin, and early history of the Afghauns -- Divisions and government of the Afghaun nation -- Marriages, condition of women, funerals, etc. -- Education, language, and literature of the Afghauns -- Religion, sects, moollahs, superstitions, etc. -- Hospitality, predatory habits, etc. -- Manners, customs, and character of the Afghauns -- Of the inhabitants of towns -- Of the great -- Trade of Caubul -- Husbandry of Caubul -- Taujiks, Hindkees, and other inhabitants of Afghaunistaun.

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