Afghanistan: The Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection at the University of Nebraska-Omaha
Digitized Afghanistan Materials in English from the Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection
For more information, visit the UNO Archives & Special Collections page here
Kabul Times (Oct - Dec, 1966), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Oct - Dec, 1967), Afghanistan
Kabul Times (Oct. - Dec., 1968), Afghanistan
The Oxus and the Indus (1874), Evans Bell
The hero of Herat: a frontier biography in romantic form (1914), Maud Diver
An account of the kingdom of Caubul, and its dependencies, in Persia, Tartary, and India (1842), Mountstuart Elphinstone
Report on the proceedings of the Pamir Boundary Commission (1897), M. G. Gerard
Selections from the poetry of the Afghans (1862), Henry George Raverty
A short history of India and the frontier states of Afghanistan, Nipal, and Burma (1884), James Talboys Wheeler
Shahzadah's visit to great Britain, 1895 (1895)
An inquiry into the ethnography of Afghanistan, prepared and presented to the Ninth International Congress of Orientalists (1891), Henry Walter Bellew
The races of Afghanistan: being a brief account of the principal nations inhabiting that country (1880), Henry Walter Bellew
The career of Major George Broadfoot in Afghanistan and the Punjab (1888), William Broadfoot
Narrative of the campaign of the Indus, in Sind and Kaubool in 1838-9 (1840), Richard Hartley Kennedy,
Narrative of the campaign of the Indus, in Sind and Kaubool in 1838-9 (1840), Richard Hartley Kennedy,
Constitution of Republic of Afghanistan (1990), Afghanistan
Reports on parts of the Ghilzi country - - (1885), James Sutherland Broadfoot,
The Afghan wars, 1839-42 and 1878-80 (1892), Archibald Forbes
Kalid-i Afghan-i (1893), Thomas Patrick Hughes and Trevor Chichele Plowden
The Russo-Afghan question and the invasion of India (1885), George Bruce Malleson
Through the unknown Pamirs; the second Danish Pamir expedition, 1898-99 (1904) , Ole Olufsen
Bactria from the earliest times to the extinction of Bactrio-Greek rule in the Punjab (1909), Hugh George Rawlinson
History of the Afghans (1858), Joseph Pierre Ferrier and William Jesse, translator
Char-ee-kar and service there with the 4th Goorkha Regiment (1879), John Colpoys Haughton
A dictionary of the Pathan tribes on the north-west frontier of India (1899), India, Quarter Master General's Dept., Intelligence Branch and
Afghan poetry of the seventeenth century: being selections from the poems of Khushhal Khan Khatak, with translations and grammatical introductions; edited and compiled by C. E. Biddulph. (1890), Khwushhal Khan and C. E. Biddulph, translator
Arthur Paul Afghanistan Collection Bibliography - Volume II: English and European Languages (2000), Shaista Wahab
Afghanistan: a short account of Afghanistan, its history, and our dealings with it. (1881)., Philip Francis Walker
The Afghans (1969), Mohammed Ali
A dictionary of the Pathan tribes on the north-west frontier of India (1910), General Staff Army Headquarters, India
Constitution of Afghanistan = Assasi Qanun (1964), Government of Afghanistan
Letters on the Baluch-Afghan Boundary Commission of 1896 (1909) , A. H. McMahon and Baluch-Afghan Boundary Commission