Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, Department of


First Advisor

Lindsay J. Hastings

Date of this Version

Winter 12-4-2015

Document Type



A thesis presented to the faculty of the Graduate College at the University of Nebraska in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science

Major: Leadership Education

Under the supervision of Professor Lindsay Hastings

Lincoln, Nebraska, December 2015


Copyright 2015, Kelly Moguel


While the term “leadership” can be difficult to define, one term that is commonly seen in its association is “influence”. While the field of leadership has empirically identified several outcomes associated with adult influence (i.e., greater organizational performance, higher subordinate satisfaction, higher subordinate engagement), little is known about influence in youth leaders. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to gain a better understanding of how youth leaders experience influence. Twenty-nine in-depth, semi-structured interviews from fifth- 12th-grade students in a leadership mentoring program called Nebraska Human Resources Institute (NHRI) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln were conducted to ascertain these student leaders’ common experiences with influence. Phenomenological data analysis results indicated that the participants experienced influence by using it to accomplish tasks, and to set an example for others to follow. Furthermore, participants recognized that leaders can influence in both positive and negative ways and expressed that using influence felt good, scary and powerful all at once. Respondents identified having an open mind and being confident as key characteristics for leaders to successfully use their influence and that their families provided the greatest context for learning about influence.

It is naïve to assume that today’s young leaders will lead in the same ways as the generation prior. The results presented in the current study can be used to create more effective youth leadership programs designed to increase influential capacity and better research unique the variables involved in youth influence.

Advisor: Lindsay Hastings
