Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, Department of


First Advisor

Lindsay J. Hastings

Date of this Version


Document Type



A thesis presented to the faculty of the Graduate College at the University of Nebraska in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science

Major: Leadership Education

Under the supervision of Professor Lindsay Hastings

Lincoln, Nebraska, May 2018


Copyright 2018, Hannah M. Sunderman


The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to examine the influence, if any, of age cohort on generativity among college student leaders who mentor. While previous research has revealed that college student leaders who mentor tend to demonstrate higher levels of generativity than other college student leaders and general college students (Hastings, Griesen, Hoover, Creswell, & Dlugosh, 2015), research as to the development of generativity among college student leaders who mentor has not been determined. Additionally, a need exists for further research on the antecedents of generativity (McAdams, 2001, p. 434). The current study sought to fill these gaps in the literature by examining the influence of year in college and years spent mentoring, on generativity levels for University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) students who mentor with the Nebraska Human Resources Institute (NHRI). Data were collected via an online survey (N=91) using the Loyola Generativity Scale, Generativity Behavior Checklist, and the Personal Strivings measure to assess generativity. A multivariate analysis of covariance indicated that age cohort (year in college and years spent mentoring) did not have a significant influence on generativity after controlling for the influence of gender, G.P.A. range, and major. These results bring into question if and how mentoring acts as an antecedent to generativity development, leading to the potential that “interest in mentoring” be considered an antecedent to generativity rather than the “act of mentoring.” Furthermore, the finding of the current study presents insight on the influence of generativity on college students' leadership identity development.

Advisor: Lindsay J. Hastings
