Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, Department of


Date of this Version


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Copyright, 1920, by G. C. COOK (expired in or before 1995)


Formerly having taught a District School for two years I realize the need in County Schools of some kind of an Eighth Grade Review book.

The purpose of this book is to aid the teacher in reviewing the pupil and also to furnish a source by which the pupil can review himself. This book is not to be used as a regular text throughout the year, but to be used for review during the month preceding eight grade examinations.

The material herein is written in the simpIest language in order that it may be understandable to every eighth grade pupil.

This book contains nothing but answers to eighth grade questions which have been asked in examinations ranging from 1909 to 1918.

The material herein is compiled from Hamilton's Standard Arithmetic, book three; Milne's Standard Arithmetic; Hioenshels Advanced Grammar; A History of the United States by Thwaites, and Kendall, and also Montgomery's and McMasters Histories; The Natural School Geography by Redway and Hinman; Fryes Elements, of Geography; The Farm Garden Rule Book by L. H. Bailey; Live Language Lessons by Howard R. Driggs, third book; and Hygienic Physiology by J. D. Steele.

I wish to acknowledge the above books, and extend a word of appreciation to their writers for the information I have obtained from these books.
