"The Relationship Between Personality Characteristics and Job Satisfact" by Connie Kay Staehr Plessman

Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, Department of


First Advisor

Steven A. Eggland

Date of this Version

Winter 12-1985

Document Type



A dissertation presented to the faculty of the Graduate College in the University of Nebraska in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Major: Interdepartmental Area of Administration, Curriculum and Instruction

Under the supervision of Professor Steven A. Eggland

Lincoln, Nebraska. December 1985


Copyright 1985, Connie Kay Staehr Plessman


The purpose of this study was to (1) determine the personality characteristics of secondary marketing teachers, and (2) to examine the relationship between personality characteristics and selected demographic and attitudinal variables with job satisfaction (intrinsic, extrinsic, and general) of marketing teachers. A random sample of 475 marketing teachers was drawn from the membership of the national Marketing Education Association; responses were received from 73 percent of the marketing teachers surveyed. Two instruments, the Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator and the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, were combined with attitudinal and demographic questions for use in data collection. Eight null hypotheses were proposed to investigate the research questions outlined in the study. The research findings are summarized below: 1. Three personality types, the ESTP, ESTJ, and ENTJ, were found to be much more common in the secondary marketing population than in the normative junior/senior high school teacher population. 2. The personality profile of the marketing teachers differed from the normative high school teacher population. Marketing attracted more practical, action-oriented, realistic types. 3. Although some psychological types of marketing teachers were less satisfied than others, the group satisfaction scores of marketing teachers fell in the "average satisfaction" range. 4. Introverted, intuitive, perceptive types were less satisfied with teaching than all other types. 5. Marketing teachers less satisfied with their positions were less likely to choose teaching as a career, if making the choice again; to recommend teaching to a friend; and to teach until retirement. 6. The majority of the intuitive teachers had prior experience in another career before entering teaching; half of the sensors had previously worked in another career and half entered marketing education directly. Sensing teachers also had a longer tenure in teaching than intuitive teachers.
