Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, Department of
First Advisor
Leverne A. Barrett
Date of this Version
Fall 8-1992
Document Type
A thesis presented to the faculty of the Graduate College in the University of Nebraska in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science
Major: Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication
Under the supervision of Professor Leverne A. Barrett
The purpose of this study was to identify and rank effective teaching competencies by secondary vocational teachers, general secondary teachers, teacher educators, and State Department of Education supervisors, and to determine if there was a difference in teaching effectiveness between secondary vocational and general secondary teachers as measured in the classroom, utilizing the COKER (Classroom Observations Keyed for Effectiveness Research). An instrument was constructed from a variety of sources, primarily from the University of Toledo competency indicators as noted by Medley, Coker, and Soar (1984). This list of 28 competencies was completed by secondary vocational teachers from selected high schools within 150 miles of Lincoln, Nebraska. General secondary teachers were selected from classes of the first summer session (1987) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Nebraska State Department of Education personnel and vocational staff members at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln also completed this survey. Frequencies, ranges, means, standard deviations, and rank were determined for the sample. Using the SPSS-X, means (T-values and probabilities) were obtained. Means, F-values, and probabilities were obtained from the COKER using the SAS program. Secondary vocational teachers participating in the survey and general secondary teachers from Newman Grove and Tilden-Elkhorn Valley High Schools were observed in their classes. The results indicated there were differences in the scores given to effective teaching competencies. The results also indicated there were differences in teaching effectiveness demonstrated in the classroom between secondary vocational teachers and general secondary teachers.
Copyright 1992, Leroy Eldon Sayer