Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, Department of


First Advisor

James W. King

Second Advisor

Gina S. Matkin

Date of this Version

Spring 5-4-2012

Document Type



A dissertation presented to the faculty of the Graduate College at the University of Nebraska in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Major: Human Sciences (Leadership Studies)

Under the supervision of Professors James W. King and Gina S. Matkin

Lincoln, Nebraska, May 2012


Copyright 2012, Kevin L. Warneke


This phenomenological study describes the experiences of 12 residents of a Midwestern community who were identified by their peers as possibly possessing a calling. The central research question was: What are the experiences that lead to feelings of strong commitment in their lives? Calling was defined as a summons, which originates outside of one’s self, to serve a cause that betters humanity. Participants described the strong commitments they felt in their lives and explained their origins. Five themes emerged from the semi-structure interviews: (a) “You have to be asked and respond to being asked” – the role of a mentor in one’s calling, (b) the call to service: “It just happened.”, (c) calls can come at unexpected times, (d) answering a call can be rewarding – but those rewards aren’t always obvious, and (e) secular callings can come from a religious calling. The essence of recognizing one’s calling was the realization that a calling can come at a moment’s notice – even if it isn’t immediately recognized – and the source of this call can be a summons to serve – society, and one’s God, family, community and profession.

Advisors: James King and Gina Matkin
