Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication, Department of


Document Type


Date of this Version

April 1989


Published in The Journal of Agricultural Education, volume 30 (1989), pages 10-16. Used by permission.
The Journal of Agricultural Education (JAE) is a publication of the American Association for Agricultural Education (AAAE). Its back issues are available online at


Rapid changes in agricultural technology, coupled with an increasingly older agricultural population, make adult education in agriculture a must (Drueckhammer & White, 1984). In order to facilitate the process of incorporating adult vocational agriculture education into traditional secondary programs, the individuals most directly involved in organizing, funding, and conducting adult programs need to be encouraged to do so.
Viterna (1973) concluded that school administrators were directly responsible for program development. Viterna also found that the same administrators were willing to support young farmer classes in Nebraska. In studying the attitudes of superintendents of comprehensive high schools in Ohio, Miller and Krill (1985) found school administrators to be conceptually supportive of adult vocational agriculture education as part of secondary vocational agriculture programs.
