Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


First Advisor

Greg Kruger

Second Advisor

Brad Fritz

Third Advisor

Jerome Schleier

Date of this Version

Summer 5-2017

Document Type



Nelson MR. (2017). The effect of spray parameters on the application of Enlist Duo. Master's thesis. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska-Lincoln.


A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements For the Degree of Master of Science, Major: Agronomy, Under the Supervision of Professor Greg R. Kruger. Lincoln, Nebraska: May, 2017

Copyright (c) 2017 Matthew R. Nelson


The emergence of new weed control challenges, along with shifts in weed management strategies and cultural practices, has resulted in an increased reliance on chemical weed control in United States (US) cropping systems. As a result, numerous weed species have evolved resistance to herbicides such as glyphosate, thus prompting the development of new weed control systems designed to aid growers in managing resistant weeds. While these new weed control options may give growers additional management options, the high sensitivity of broadleaf crops, fruits, and vegetables to products containing 2,4-D or dicamba increases the potential for herbicide drift resulting from application of these herbicides to damage non-target susceptible plants. As a result, herbicide labels for new products such as Enlist Duo contain specific application requirements for both application and meteorological factors aimed at minimizing application drift potential. Drift reduction for ground application of herbicide is typically centered combinations of agricultural nozzle types and spray pressures designed to increase the droplet size distribution of the applied solution, as larger droplets are less prone to off-target movement in the form of spray particle drift. However, the mechanisms by which herbicide droplets drift is a complex process, and is influenced by may application and meteorological factors. Additionally, while minimizing drift should be a goal for all applications, an ideal application of herbicide must also deposit and retain active ingredient on leaf surfaces as well as transfer a lethal dose of herbicide to its intended targets. The objectives of this research were to 1) evaluate the droplet size, droplet initial exit velocity, and drift potential of two venturi-type nozzles in laboratory conditions and 2) determine the influence of nozzle type on the drift potential of a field application of Enlist Duo herbicide.

Advisor: Greg R. Kruger
