Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


Date of this Version

Summer 6-7-2019

Document Type



White paper. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, June 2019


Copyright 2019, Zachary Christman. Used by permission


Distillery wastewater treatment is a great ecological problem, for example, India produces 2.7 billion liters of alcohol that results in 40 billion liters of wastewater. However, this material can be seen as a resource since 11 million cubic meters of biogas at 60% methane could be produced in addition to cleaning the water. The distillery has two options of what to do with the biogas. The first is to use the biogas to fuel the distillery making the production plant more energy efficient and removing some of the need to buy natural gas. The other is to upgrade the biogas into biomethane and sell it on the market. In this article the reader is walked through the process from raw distillery wastewater to pretreatment, digestion and finally upgrading using a membrane separation of methane from carbon dioxide.
