Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


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Roesch-McNally, G., Basche, A.D., and Schewe, R. 2018. Climate change challenges require collaborative research to drive agrifood system transformation. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 33(3): 195-196. doi 10.1017/S1742170518000157


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The recent Climate Science Special Report released as part of the Fourth National Climate Assessment confirms that we are living through the warmest period in modern civilization and that human activities are the primary driver of this warming (Wuebbles et al., 2017). These climatic changes have and will continue to impact global agricultural production, with food security and production consequences that will be felt unequally across the planet. Agricultural activities contribute to global warming emissions, while also offering opportunities for greenhouse gas mitigation. It is clear that the agrifood system will have to adapt to a changing climate. To better assess climate influences on agricultural systems in this themed issue of Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, we challenged authors to submit interdisciplinary research that examines climate change adaptation and mitigation in agriculture and subsequent interconnected impacts to the food system. Indeed, agrifood systems provide a fertile context for examining climate change from multiple disciplines.
