Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


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US Army Corps of Engineers, ERDC/CERL SR-04-34


Military training often results in environmental degradation that has negative impacts on future training missions. The U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) conceptualized the Army’s Integrated Training Area Management (ITAM) program in response to the concerns expressed by military land managers and trainers over the declining condition of training and testing lands. ITAM has evolved to include land condition and trend analysis (LCTA), environmental awareness (EA), training requirements integration (TRI), and land rehabilitation and maintenance (LRAM). The need for LRAM has increased dramatically over the past decade. Among the many difficulties faced in planning and implementing a land rehabilitation project is procurement of appropriate plant materials for revegetation of damaged lands. To satisfy government procurement requirements and ensure a fair and reasonable price for materials, it is usually necessary to identify and solicit bids from multiple vendors. Moreover, there is an increasing emphasis on the use of locally endemic or adapted plant species. These factors increase the demand to identify multiple commercial sources of regional or local sources of plant materials. This research compiled a comprehensive, current list of plant material vendors, including vendors of trees, shrubs, grasses, wild-flowers, and wetland plants.
