Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


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CROP SCIENCE, VOL. 45, JULY–AUGUST 2005; doi:10.2135/cropsci2004.0558


‘Antelope’ (Reg. no. CV-968, PI 633910) is a hard white winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar developed cooperatively by USDA-ARS, the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station. Antelope has shown exceptional productivity under irrigated trials in western Nebraska, eastern Wyoming, and eastern Colorado. It combines high grain yield under irrigation with excellent lodging resistance.

Antelope was derived from the cross ‘Pronghorn’/‘Arlin’. Pronghorn (PI 593047, Baenziger et al., 1997) is a strong gluten hard red winter wheat developed by the University of Nebraska. Arlin (PI 564246, Sears et al., 1997) is a hard white winter wheat developed by Kansas State University. Antelope was produced from a cross made in 1993. F1 through F3 generations were advanced by the bulk pedigree method. From the F3 generation, 100 single-plant-progeny rows were planted. Antelope subsequently was selected from one of these rows as a single F3–derived F4 line and assigned the experimental number NW97S278. Breeder seed originated from a composite of 30 F9–derived headrows which were selected for uniformity in plant type and grain color.

Antelope is awned and white-glumed. The glume beak is awned, and the shoulder is elevated to apiculate. Kernels are elliptical, with a narrow, mid-deep crease, rounded beak, and mid-sized brush. Grain samples provided to USDA-GIPSA were classified as hard white, with color characteristics acceptable for this class. Antelope contains approximately 0.1% hard red grain and also contains tall off-types at a frequency of approximately 0.5%. Coleoptile length (37 mm) is shorter than that of Pronghorn (66 mm), and similar to that of ‘Nuplains’ (36 mm). Average plant height (81 cm) is shorter than that of ‘Arapahoe’ (92 cm) but greater than that of Nuplains (78 cm).
