Agronomy and Horticulture, Department of


Document Type


Date of this Version



N. El Bassam et al. (Eds.), Genetic aspects of plant mineral nutrition, 93-96.


U.S. Government Work


Modification of plant roots can potentially increase the area. of adaptation of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Limited information is available on the heritability of root diameter and root volume in tall fescue. A greenhouse experiment was conducted with'50 random 'Kentucky 31' (Ky-31) tall fescue parents and their progeny grown in aerated nutrient solution during four separate time intervals. Measurements of root volume, root diameter, shoot Mg concentration, and shoot K/(Mg + Ca) ratio were made six weeks after clonal material was transplanted in nutrient solution. Heritability estimates for root volume, root diameter, shoot Mg concentration, and shoot K/(Mg +Ca)ratios were determined. Broad sense heritabilities were 0.60, 0.65, 0.32, and 0.58 for root volume, root diameter, Mg concentration, and K/(Mg + Cal ratios, respectively. Narrow sense heritabilities were 0.41, 0.18,0.19, and 0.58.
