Agronomy and Horticulture Department



Date of this Version


Document Type



Published in Soil Science Research Report (1979) 115 pages.


Corn Experiments

Nitrogen Rates on Corn ................ Section 1

Anhydrous Ammonia and N-Serve for Irrigated Corn ................ Section 2

Placing Ammonia and APP Together for Irrigated Corn Production ................ Section 3

Nitrogen Rate and Source Studies for Corn Grown in an Ecofallow Rotation ................ Section 4

Comparison of Standard Nitrogen Fertilizers with Delayed Release and Nitrification Inhibiting Materials for Irrigated Corn on Sharpsburg/Bu1ter ................ Section 5

Nitrogen Balance Under Irrigated Corn Using 15N-Depleted Fertilizer ........... Section 6

Improving the Efficiency of Fertilizer N Use by Irrigated Corn ................ Section 7

Effect of Fertilizer Phosphorus Placement on Corn Yields in Sandy Soil ................ Section 8

Influence of Rates of K and Mg for Corn Production Irrigated Sandy Soils ................ Section 9

Application of Sulfur for Irrigated Corn on Sandy Soils ................ Section 10

Effect of Different Iron Products on Reducing Chlorosis in Corn ................ Section 11

Effect of Salt Content of the Starter Fertilizer and Distance from the Seed on the Growth and Yield of Corn ................ Section 12

Effect of Irrigation Well Capacity and Plant Population Production of Irrigated Corn on a Silt Loam Soil ................ Section 13

Wheat Experiments

Wheat Fertilization Progress Report ................ Section 14

Phosphorus Rate X Placement of Winter Wheat in Southeast Nebraska ................ Section 15

Dual Placement of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Wheat ................ Section 16

Soybean Experiments

Rate and Placement of Phosphate Fertilizer for Soybean Production ......... Section 17

Forage Experiments

Response of Warm-Season Prairie Grasses to the Application of N and P with and without the Use of Atrazine ................ Section 18

Response of Alfalfa Grown on an Irrigated Sandy Soil to the Application of P and S ................ Section 19

Effect of Potassium Fertilization on Production of Alfalfa Grown on an Irrigated Sandy Soil ................ Section 20

Soil Testing Experiments

Optimum Economic Use of Fertilizers Through Effective Soil Testing ....... Section 21

Crop and Soil Response to Applied P and K in a Long Term Buildup/Depletion Study ................ Section 22
