American Judges Association


Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association


Date of this Version



Court Review, Volume 49, Issue 1 (2013)


Copyright American Judges Association. Used by permission.


The American Judges Association is pleased to salute the work of the National Consortium on Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts through this special issue of Court Review. The Consortium is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a conference being held March 20 to 23 in Washington, D.C.

This cooperative effort between the AJA and the Consortium is typical of the ways in which AJA partners with—and helps to spread the reach of—other organizations interested in similar objectives. One of the members of the Consortium’s Board of Directors, Liz Neeley, is also a member of Court Review’s Editorial Board. She approached Court Review’s coeditors, Steve Leben, a past AJA president, and Professor Alan Tomkins, about this collaborative effort. In keeping with the AJA’s long tradition of working with other groups, they readily agreed.
