American Judges Association


Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association

Date of this Version



Court Review, Volume 49, Issue 1 (2013)


Copyright American Judges Association. Used by permission.


Recognizing the ever-changing landscape and the increasing challenges that face justice systems committed to achieving the promise of “equality before the law,” the National Consortium on Racal and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts (“National Consortium”) brings together thought leaders and delegates of state justice systems from around the country to share their collective knowledge about best practices within their court systems for achieving fairness and access to justice for all. For 25 years, the National Consortium has served as a conduit to provide a forum for discussions on relevant topics pertaining to identifying and eliminating bias against people of targeted racial and ethnic groups both through its annual conference and through peer-to-peer technical assistance. Additionally, the National Center for State Courts, as secretariat for the National Consortium, serves as a warehouse of information by compiling the annual reports that the National Consortium members present at annual meetings; bibliographies from each jurisdiction; and information regarding task force/commission structure, governance, staffing, research, and the issues addressed by implemented projects ( Thanks to the collaborative efforts between the Board of the National Consortium and the American Judges Association, we are happy for the opportunity to provide education through a new forum, Court Review.
