American Judges Association


Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association


Date of this Version



Court Review, Volume 52, Issue 4 (2016)


Copyright American Judges Association. Used by permission.


The American Judges Association (AJA) conducted interviews about procedural fairness with nine national leaders on issues involving judges and the courts. The interviews, done by Kansas Court of Appeals Judge and past AJA president Steve Leben, cover the elements of procedural fairness for courts and judges, how judges can improve fairness skills, and how the public reacts to courts and judges.

In addition to the video interviews, in which you’d watch separate interviews with each of the nine leaders we talked to, there are a series of podcasts that take clips from the other interviews and combine them into audio podcasts on three topics: (1) Improving Judicial Behavior, (2) Procedural Fairness in Judicial Training and Evaluation, and (3) Procedural Fairness as a Model for Modern Authority. These audio podcasts were put together by Justine Greve, a staff member with the Kansas Court of Appeals. They run eight to ten minutes apiece. Just click on the “Podcasts” tab to find them.
