American Judges Association


Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association


John Conery

Date of this Version



Court Review, Volume 52, Issue 3 (2016)


Copyright American Judges Association. Used by permission.


Thank you, again, for affording me the high honor and great privilege of serving as your AJA president, your “man in the arena” this year. Time is flying by, and soon I’ll be “passing the gavel” to president-elect Russ Otter at our annual conference in Toronto, September 25-30. Judge Otter, Judge Catherine Carlson, Judge Richard Kayne, and the entire conference committee have been working hard on conference planning. Yet again, our AJA members have produced a highquality educational program and combined it with just the right mix of social activities to create many opportunities for networking with AJA colleagues and our Canadian judges. If you haven’t already signed up, please visit our website,, download the educational program, and see for yourself! You can also register for the conference online and take advantage of the favorable exchange rate! AJA welcomes one and all to join us in Toronto for a unique judicial learning experience at a beautiful venue.
