American Judges Association


Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association


Date of this Version


Document Type



Court Review, Volume 52, Issue 3 (2016)


Copyright American Judges Association. Used by permission.


We’re proud of this issue in part because much of its content comes from repeat contributors.

It was a year ago that we started two new features in each issue—a regular column, “Thoughts from Canada,” by Canadian judge Wayne Gorman, and a crossword puzzle by Vic Fleming, a district judge in Arkansas. Many readers have told us they enjoyed these new features, and we greatly appreciate the contributions Judges Gorman and Fleming are making for us.

We begin the articles for this issue with our annual review of the civil cases decided by the United States Supreme Court in the past Term. For the fifth straight year, that review has been masterfully done by Professor Todd Pettys, the H. Blair and Joan V. White Chair in Civil Litigation at the University of Iowa College of Law. Professor Pettys puts an interesting Term in context and provides an overview of cases already accepted for the coming Term. Our next issue will feature a summary of the past Term’s criminal cases by Professor Charles D. Weisselberg, the Shannon C. Turner Professor of Law at Berkeley Law. This will be the ninth year Professor Weisselberg has summarized the cases for us—and he too puts them in context and offers a look ahead to the coming Term
