American Judges Association


Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association


Date of this Version


Document Type



Court Review, Volume 52, Issue 2 (2016)


Copyright American Judges Association. Used by permission.


Two blogs that are regularly updated can be a good resource that keeps judges thinking about the ethics rules we must abide by. Since reasonable people sometimes differ in their conclusions about the boundaries of ethics rules, it’s good to follow more than one blog in this area, and both of these are good ones.

One of them—the Judicial Ethics and Discipline Blog—is maintained by Cynthia Gray, director of the Center for Judicial Ethics now housed at the National Center for State Courts. Gray has been tracking judicial-ethics issues since 1990, and she keeps track of pretty much everything that happens—advisory opinions, disciplinary cases, and rule amendments. A recent posting covered the issues that arise when a judge’s spouse or relative supports a political candidate. You can sign up at this blog to receive each update by email.
