American Judges Association


Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association


John Conery

Date of this Version



Court Review, Volume 52, Issue 1 (2016)


Copyright American Judges Association. Used by permission.


In the last issue of Court Review, I challenged our members, as Theodore Roosevelt challenged everyone in his speech, “The Man in the Arena,” to “strive valiantly” to realize the “triumph of high achievement” as you serve in the arena of public service. In this issue, I’m asking those who can to take a step back from the public arena and join your fellow AJA members for our midyear conference in a historic, relaxing, and beautiful setting: Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Those who do the hard work of judging know all too well the toll stress takes on those who toil in the “judicial arena.” Past President Brian MacKenzie highlighted the importance of recognizing and properly dealing with the health risks inherent in our stressful occupation by dedicating a column in Court Review (Vol. 51, Issue 1) and last year’s midyear conference in Fort Meyers, Florida, to the issue of “Judicial Stress.” The great programs presented at that conference can be accessed through our website,
