American Judges Association


Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association

Date of this Version



Court Review, Volume 53, Issue 4 (2017)


Copyright American Judges Association. Used by permission.


My dear colleagues and fellow Court Review readers, greetings.

In my last column, I told you about AJA’s wonderful Cleveland conference in September, ably planned by our own Judges Michael Cicconetti, Eugene Lucci, and Gayle Williams-Byers. There, our past AJA Presidents also met and identified a key priority for AJA—enhancing the value of membership for members who are unable to attend conferences. This is the first of my three overlapping priorities for my term as AJA President. My second is to build on AJA’s advances toward furthering diversity in our organization and on the bench, while helping us all achieve better understanding of and responses to diversity issues in our courts. The third is to strengthen AJA’s ties to other national court-oriented organizations, reach out to national minority lawyer organizations with judicial divisions, and find new ways to collaborate with our national court-oriented partners.
