American Judges Association


Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association


Date of this Version



Court Review, Volume 53, Issue 3 (2017)


Copyright American Judges Association. Used by permission.


The lead article in this issue is Professor Todd Pettys’s annual review of the civil cases decided in the past Term of the United States Supreme Court. For those of you who don’t check the AJA website ( from time to time, you missed out when we posted Professor Pettys’s article back in August! He covers both the decided cases most likely to come up in our courts and some of the early cases on the docket for the present Term.

In our second article, Professors Jennifer Robbennolt and Valerie Hans draw on material from their book, The Psychology of Tort Law, to discuss how tort law sometimes diverges from our commonsense notions of justice. When this happens, they show that it can lead to anomalies in legal proceedings. They also suggest that a divergence between the results obtained through our legal system and commonsense notions of justice can lead some to question the justice system’s legitimacy. In only six pages, Robbennolt and Hans provide an overview and important insights about our tort-law system.
