American Judges Association


Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association


Date of this Version



Court Review, Volume 53, Issue 2 (2017)


Copyright American Judges Association. Used by permission.


The American Bar Association has published a new book on the intersection of implicit bias and the justice system. It’s a multi-author effort, with different authors for each of 15 chapters.

Several of the chapters are by nationally recognized scholars who have provided an up-to-date summary of the latest research on implicit bias as it relates to the court system. For example:

• Professors Justin D. Levinson, Danielle M. Young, and Laurie A. Rudman take on what is perhaps the book’s biggest lift—an overview of the social science about implicit bias. They explain research suggesting that when implicit stereotypes are activated in the human mind, we are prone to making critical mistakes. They also provide detailed examples and evidence showing how implicit bias leads to a variety of discriminatory outcomes, including legal ones
