American Judges Association


Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association


Date of this Version



Court Review, Volume 54, Issue 4 (2018)


Copyright American Judges Association. Used by permission.


This issue brings our annual review of recent criminal decisions of the United States Supreme Court. We’re in a time of transition there. After doing the summaries for us for the past decade, Berkeley Law Prof. Chuck Weisselberg let us know that he would need to prioritize other projects going forward. Starting next year, we’ve signed up Michigan Law Prof. Eve Brensike Primus to take over the task. We’re excited to have her; she is a coauthor for one of the leading criminal-procedure casebooks. But we were too late in asking to get her on board for this year.

Fortunately, Chuck Weisselberg was able to suggest someone who could provide an excellent review of the recent cases for us this year—Juliana DeVries, who works full-time as a federal appellate defender and who formerly served as a law clerk on the Ninth Circuit. She’s on top of these cases as part of her work, and she has done a great job of covering the cases of most interest to state-court judges. She also highlights the key cases on tap for the current Term.
