American Judges Association


Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association


Date of this Version



Court Review, Volume 54, Issue 3 (2018)


Copyright American Judges Association. Used by permission.


I n this issue, the third of the year, we feature a survey of the civil cases decided in the last term by the Supreme Court. Professor Todd Pettys, the H. Blair and Joan V. White Chair in Civil Litigation at the University of Iowa College of Law, has managed to make this review both admirably thorough and entertaining, capturing a sense of the Court as a whole along with the variety of views presented by the individual justices. As usual, the most colorful language comes in the dissents and concurrences, where each justice is free to speak her or his mind. The next issue will summarize the criminal cases decided by the Court.

Judge Wayne Gorman of the Provincial Court of Newfoundland and Labrador offers, as usual, a look at an aspect of Canadian jurisprudence. In this issue, he takes on the difficult and ever-evolving problem of how the legal system handles evidence obtained by law enforcement in violation of constitutional rights. I hope that this essay provides both a useful refresher for our Canadian readers and, for our readers in the United States, a fascinating and thought-provoking look at a parallel system of addressing this important question.
