American Judges Association


Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association


Date of this Version


Document Type



Court Review, Volume 54, Issue 1 (2018)


Copyright American Judges Association. Used by permission.


My dear colleagues and Court Review readers, greetings. As I wrote this, I had just returned from an excellent AJA Executive Committee meeting in the Napa Valley, which focused on our three linked goals this year: (1) enhancing the value of AJA membership for those who are unable to attend conferences, (2) building on AJA’s advances toward greater diversity in our organization and on the nation’s benches, as well as achieving better understanding of and responses to diversity issues in our courts, and (3) strengthening AJA’s ties to other national court-oriented organizations, including reaching out to national minoritylawyer organizations with judicial divisions and finding new ways to collaborate with our national court-oriented partners. Since then, I have attended the Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ) midyear meeting in Henderson, Nevada, followed about two weeks later by a visit to the National Association for Court Management (NACM) midyear meeting in Orange County, California. My next update will talk in more detail about my latest trip, to our simply outstanding AJA midyear conference in Memphis, Tennessee. Justice Torres and Judge Betty Moore planned that excellent event, but I think Justice Torres and I both agree that it is Judge Moore, the conference chair, who really deserves a standing ovation for all she did to make that one of our best conferences ever.
