American Judges Association


Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association

Date of this Version



Court Review, Volume 54, Issue 1 (2018)


Copyright American Judges Association. Used by permission.


Good evening. I feel very honored, privileged and humbled this evening in receiving this most prestigious award. I must say that I have rather been in somewhat of a blur for the past few months since I received a call from my Chief Justice, Tom Saylor, informing me that I was chosen as the recipient of the Rehnquist Award. It was a busy day, and when my tipstaff, Callen Taylor, told me that the Chief was on the telephone, I was mildly annoyed, because it interrupted my work, but also because I thought that the Chief was going to ask me to serve on yet another committee. When he told me the purpose of his call, I was floored! (Almost literally—I had to sit down to keep from falling down!) And since that day, I kept feeling as if I would wake up to discover that this had been a most pleasant dream.

When I reviewed that list of previous recipients, including Judge Judith Kaye for whom I had great admiration, I questioned whether I was worthy of this award. One thing of which I am very sure is that I am not standing here this evening by myself. In other words, I am only here because of the support and teamwork of many others. Those who know me know that my mantra, so to speak is “Collaboration Rocks!” and I believe that it really does
