American Judges Association


Court Review: Journal of the American Judges Association

Date of this Version


Document Type



Court Review - Volume 57


Used by permission.


Judges in the United States preside in many different courts, both on state and federal levels. Judges exercise a considerable amount of power as the ultimate decision makers in matters of legal controversy. However enviable this position may seem, the daily challenges of this role are stressful and can have an adverse effect on any judge’s health and well-being. While some would argue that these challenges are part of the job, the judiciary, legal community, and public in general would be remiss not to recognize the strain that these challenges create. To shed light on the matter, the 2019 National Judicial Stress and Resiliency Survey was conducted. This survey helped identify: (1) stressors unique to the judiciary, (2) how those stressors affect individual judges, and (3) strategies that judges have used to mitigate these stressors. The results serve as the context for recommendations made to the multiple stakeholders who comprise, regulate, and support the U.S. judicial system.1
