Antarctic Drilling Program (ANDRILL)


Date of this Version



Published in Terra Antartica, 2007, 14(3), 297-316. © Terra Antartica Publication 2007


Chronostratigraphic data available for the preliminary age model for the upper 700 m for the AND-1B drill core include diatom biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy, 40Ar/39Ar ages on volcanic material, 87Sr/86Sr ages on calcareous fossil material, and surfaces of erosion identifi ed from physical appearance and facies relationships recognised in the AND-1B drill core. The available age data allow a relatively well-constrained age model to be constructed for the upper 700 m of the drill core. Available diatom biostratigraphic constraints and 40Ar/39Ar ages allow a unique correlation of ~70% of the AND- 1B magnetic polarity stratigraphy with the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS). Unique correlation is not possible in several coarse diamictite intervals with closely spaced glacial surfaces of erosion and sparse microfl ora. However, the age model indicates relatively rapid (up to 1 m/k.y.) and continuous accumulation of intervening fi ner grained diatomaceous intervals punctuated by several half- to millionyear hiatuses representing more than half of the last 7 m.y. in the AND-1B record. The mid- to late Pleistocene is represented by superimposed diamictite units separated from upper Pliocene alternating diamictites/diatomites by a ~1 m.y. hiatus co-incident with a regionally correlated seismic reflection surface. A c. 100 m-thick diatomite represents a signifi cant portion of the early Pliocene record in the AND-1B drill core. Strata below ~620 m are late Miocene in age; however, biostratigraphic constraints are absent below 586 m and correlation with the GPTS is relatively unconstrained. At the time of writing, the only chronostratigraphic data available below 700 mbsf include three 40Ar/39Ar ages on volcanic clasts from near 1280 mbsf affording a maximum depositional age of 13.57 Ma for the base of the AND-1B drill core.
