Animal Science, Department of
Date of this Version
2024 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report
UNL Beef, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
This study was conducted to determine the accuracy of using 3D imaging technology as a method to predict shrunk body weight (BW) of growing yearling beef heifers. Red Angus x SImmental heifers (n = 69, BW = 726 ± 62 lbs; 12 months of age) were utilized for data collection. A time-of-flight depth camera (Azure Kinect, Microsoft) was used to collect depth videos as heifers walked out of the chute. Ideal image frames were identified from videos and used to determine the body volume of each heifer. Prediction of BW using images produced an R2 (estimate of model fit) = 0.89 and SEM (standard error of the mean, estimate of variation) = 7.28 lb. These results indicate it is possible to accurately predict heifer BW using dorsal depth images. This presents producers with the potential to improve management of grazing livestock without the need for moving cattle across a scale, which can reduce cattle stress and labor costs.
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