Animal Science, Department of
Date of this Version
January 2001
A finishing trial was conducted to determine performance of steers fed dry-rolled, high-moisture and steamflaked corn-based diets. High-moisture corn and steam-flaked corn were determined to have 100% and 108% the value of dry-rolled corn, respectively. Estimated costs of corn processing ($/ton) ranged from $1.44 to $1.60 for dry-rolled corn, $1.98 to $2.34 for high-moisture corn, and $6.79 to $7.16 for steam-flaked corn. Economics of high-moisture corn are dependent on the discount at which it is purchased to dry corn. Economics of steam-flaked corn are dependent on corn price, but appear attractive at prices common in Nebraska.
Published in Nebraska Beef Cattle Report 2001, published by Agricultural Research Division, University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, and Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.