Animal Science, Department of
Date of this Version
Short duration grazing (SDG) and deferred rotation (DR) were compared in a 10-year study conducted on uplandnativepastures in the northern NebraskaSandhills. Herbage production of cool-season grasses and sedges was less on the SDG pastures, although total herbage production (including warm and cool season herbage) did not differ consistently between the two grazing systems. The decline in diet quality (CP and IVOMD) through the 5-month grazing season did not differ consistently between the two systems, and ADG of spayed heifers was similar. The lack of increased forage production and animal performance responses to SDG indicate that the higher input costs associated with SDG are not justified in the Nebraska Sandhills.
Published in 2009 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report (Lincoln, NE: December, 2008). Copyright © 2008 The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska.