Animal Science, Department of


Date of this Version



2015 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report, University of Nebraska—Lincoln Extension, MP101.


Copyright © 2015 University of Nebraska.


In a 2 year study, implant strategies were compared utilizing Synovex® Choice followed by Synovex Plus® or Synovex® S followed by Revalor® S. Spring-born crossbred steers were blocked by BW and randomly assignedto receive either Synovex Choice or Synovex S as the initial implant. Approximately100 days later, steers were reimplanted with Synovex Plus or Revalor S. Steers were slaughtered after 205 days on feed. There was no difference in average daily gain or hot carcass weight between treatment groups. Furthermore, there were no differences in yield grade, marbling score, or proportion of steers grading USDA Choice. Both implant regimens resulted in similar feedlot and carcass characteristics.
