The Role of Basketry in Early Holocene Small Seed Exploitation: Implications of a ca. 9,000 Year-Old Basket from Cowboy Cave, Utah, Phil R. Geib and Edward A. Jolie
A pilot study into the effects of X-ray and computed tomography exposure on the amplification of DNA from bone, Britta M. Grieshaber, Daniel L. Osborne, Alison F. Doubleday, and Frederika A. Kaestle
References for Time in Archaeology: Time Perspectivism Revisited, Simon J. Holdaway and LuAnn Wandsnider
Time in Archaeology: An Introduction, Simon J. Holdaway and LuAnn Wandsnider
Archeological Survey within the Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Murray County, Oklahoma, Alan J. Osborn and Ralph J. Hartley
Dental Health at Oakwood Mound, Will County, Illinois, Daniel L. Osborne
Archaeoparasitology, Karl J. Reinhard and Adauto Araújo
Burials: Dietary Sampling Methods, Karl J. Reinhard and Vaughn M. Bryant, Jr.
Conducting cross-cultural research in teams and the search for the “culture-proof” variable, Patricia Draper
The Ecologically Noble Savage Debate, Raymond Hames
Meal Sharing among the Ye’kwana, Raymond B. Hames and Carl McCabe
Human Modifications to the Landscape of Hunt and Sheep Mountains, Wyoming: Exploring Socially Constructed Space, Ralph J. Hartley
Houses Great and Small: Reevaluating the 'House' in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, Carrie Heitman
Re-evaluating the “House” in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, Carrie Heitman
Review of The Archaeology of Chaco Canyon: An Eleventh-Century Pueblo Regional Center, edited by Stephen H. Lekson, Carrie Heitman
In-law Conflict: Women’s Reproductive Lives and the Roles of Their Mothers and Husbands among the Matrilineal Khasi, Donna L. Leonetti, Dilip C. Nath, Natabar S. Hemam, Evelyn Blackwood (Comment by), Patricia Draper (Comment by), Harald A. Euler (Comment by), Mhairi A. Gibson (Comment by), Mark R. Jenike (Comment by), R. Khongsdier (Comment by), Karen L. Kramer (Comment by), B. T. Langstieh (Comment by), Kimber Haddix McKay (Comment by), Gillian Ragsdale (Comment by), and Eckart Voland (Comment by)
Landscapes of Settlement in Northern Iceland: Historical Ecology of Human Impact and Climate Fluctuation on the Millennial Scale, Thomas H. McGovern, Orri Vesteinsson, Adolf Fridriksson, Mike Church, Ian Lawson, Ian A. Simpson, Arni Einarsson, Andy Dugmore, Gordon Cook, and Sophia Perdikaris
Paleo-Indians, Alan J. Osborn
Modeling for Management in a Compliance World, Christopher D. Dore and LuAnn Wandsnider
Changes in Co-survivorship of Adult Children and Parents: Ju/'hoansi of Botswana in 1968 and 1988, Patricia Draper and Nancy Howell
Kinship and the Dynamics of the House: Rediscovering Dualism in the Pueblo Past, Carrie Heitman and Stephen Plog
Temporal Scales and Archaeological Landscapes from the Eastern Desert of Australia and Intermontane North America, Simon J. Holdaway and LuAnn Wandsnider
Critical Analysis of Coprolite Evidence of Medicinal Plant Use, Piauí, Brazil, Sérgio Augusto de Miranda Chaves and Karl J. Reinhard
Success in Identification of Experimentally Fragmented Limb Bone Shafts: Implications for Estimates of Skeletal Element Abundance in Archaeofaunas, Travis Rayne Pickering, Charles P. Egeland, Amy G. Schnell, Daniel L. Osborne, and Jake Enk
Understanding Chaco: A Digital, Archival Approach, Stephen Plog and Carrie Heitman
Pollen Concentration Analysis of Ancestral Pueblo Dietary Variation, Karl J. Reinhard, Sherrian Edwards, Teyona R. Damon, and Debra K. Meier
Patrilateral Bias among a Traditionally Egalitarian People: Ju/'hoansi Naming Practice, Patricia Draper and Christine Haney
A Protocol for the Staining of Cement Lines in Adult Human Bone Using Toluidine Blue, Daniel L. Osborne and Janene Curtis
Mediterranean Landscape Archaeology Past and Present, Effie F. Athanassopoulos and LuAnn Wandsnider
Niche: A Productive Guide for Use in the Analysis of Cultural Complexity, Lewis R. Binford
Hunter-Gatherers in Jackson Hole, Wyoming: Testing Assumptions about Site Function, Kenneth P. Cannon, Dawn R. Bringelson, and Molly Boeka Cannon
Department of Anthropology and Geography Self-Study Report to the Academic Planning Committee, Department of Anthropology and Geography
Women’s Work, Child Care, and Helpers-at-the-Nest in a Hunter-Gatherer Society, Raymond Hames and Patricia Draper
Mobility, Sedentism, and Intensification: Organizational Responses to Environmental and Social Change Among the San of Southern Africa, Robert K. Hitchcock
Poison Hunting Strategies and the Organization of Technology in the Circumpolar Region, Alan J. Osborn
Adaptive Responses of Paleoindians to Cold Stress on the Periglacial Northern Great Plains, Alan J. Osborn
Reconsidering the Auricular Surface as an Indicator of Age at Death, Daniel L. Osborne, Tal L. Simmons, and Stephen P. Nawrocki
Artifact, Landscape, and Temporality in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeological Landscape Studies, LuAnn Wandsnider
Solving Meno's Puzzle, Defeating Merlin's Subterfuge: Bodies of Reference Knowledge and Archaeological Inference, LuAnn Wandsnider
Solving Meno’s Puzzle, Defeating Merlin’s Subterfuge: Bodies of Reference Knowledge and Archaeological Inference, LuAnn Wandsnider
Solving the Puzzle of the Archaeological Labyrinth: Time Perspectivism in Mediterranean Surface Archaeology, LuAnn Wandsnider
Introduction to Endangered Peoples of Africa and the Middle East : Struggles to Survive and Thrive, Robert K. Hitchcock and Alan J. Osborn
The Rwandese, Clea Msindo Koff and Ralph J. Hartley
The Ogoni of Nigeria, A. Olu Oyinlade and Jeffery M. Vincent
Rough Cilicia Archaeological Survey Project: Report of the 2002 Season, Nicholas Rauh, LuAnn Wandsnider, F. Sancar Ozaner, Michael Hoff, Rhys Townsend, Matthew Dillon, Mette Korsholm, and Hulya Caner
The Fort Clark Archeology Project, 2000-2001 Historical Archeological Investigations., William J. Hunt Jr.
Birth Order, Sibling Investment, and Fertility among Ju/’hoansi (!Kung), Patricia Draper and Raymond Hames
Sandal Types and Archaic Prehistory on the Colorado Plateau, Phil R. Geib
Rough Cilicia Archaeological Survey Project: Report of the Year 2000 Season, Nicholas K. Rauh and LuAnn Wandsnider
Room to Maneuver: !Kung Women Cope with Men, Patricia Draper
The Rough Cilicia Archaeological Survey Project: Report of the 1999 Season, Nicholas K. Rauh and LuAnn Wandsnider
Late Prehistoric High Plains Foragers: Starving Nomads, Affluent Foragers?, LuAnn Wandsnider
Who’s Buried in Custer’s Grave?, P. Willey and Douglas D. Scott
Why Should Fathers Father?, Patricia Draper
Rough Cilicia Archaeological Survey Project: Report of the 1998 Season, Michael Hoff, Nicholas K. Rauh, Rhys Townsend, and LuAnn Wandsnider
Institutional, Evolutionary, and Demographic Contexts of Gender Roles: A Case Study of !Kung Bushmen, Patricia Draper
Review of Sanumá Memories: Yanomami Ethnography in a Time of Crisis. Alcida Rita Ramos. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1995. xx, 346 pp. (paper)., Raymond B. Hames
Review of The Prehistoric Pueblo World A.D. 1150-1350, edited by Michael A. Adler. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1996. 279 pages, Alan J. Osborn
The Roasted and the Boiled: Food Composition and Heat Treatment with Special Emphasis on Pit-Hearth Cooking, LuAnn Wandsnider
Analytical Perspectives on a Protohistoric Cache of Ceramic Jars from the Lower Colorado Desert, James Bayman, Richard Hevly, Boma Johnson, Karl J. Reinhard, and Richard Ryan
AMS Dating of Plain Weave Sandals from the Central Colorado Plateau., Phil R. Geib
Costs and Benefits of Monogamy and Polygyny for Yanomamö Women, Raymond B. Hames
Cattle, Co-Wives, Children, and Calabashes: Material Context for Symbol Use among the Il Chamus of West-Central Kenya, Alan J. Osborn
Describing and Comparing Archaeological Spatial Structures, LuAnn Wandsnider
Review of Archaeology and Geographical Information Systems: A European Perspective, LuAnn Wandsnider
Aboriginal Adaptations on the Colorado Plateau: A View from the Island-in-the-Sky, Canyonlands National Park, Utah, Alan J. Osborn, Jesslyn Brown, Galen Burgett, Linda Scott Cummings, Ralph J. Hartley, Susan Vetter, Jennifer Waters, and Tony Zalucha
Review of Kalinga Ethnoarchaeology: Expanding Archaeological Method and Theory, LuAnn Wandsnider
Cultural Considerations in the Experience of Aging: Two African Cultures, Patricia Draper and Henry Harpending
Review of The Origins of Agriculture and Settled Life by Richard S. MacNeish. Norman and London: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992. 433 pages., Alan J. Osborn
Snowblind in the Desert Southwest: Moisture Islands, Ungulate Ecology, and Alternative Prehistoric Overwintering Strategies, Alan J. Osborn
Remembering the Past: !Kung Life History Narratives, Patricia Draper
The Spatial Dimension of Time, LuAnn Wandsnider
The Character of Surface Archaeological Deposits and Its Influence on Survey Accuracy, LuAnn Wandsnider and Eileen Camilli
Dietary and Parasitological Aanalysis of Coprolites Recovered from Mummy 5, Ventana Cave, Arizona, Karl J. Reinhard and Richard H. Hevly
Review of The Archaeology of Regions: A Case for Full-Coverage Survey by Suzanne K. Fish and Stephen A. Kowalewski, eds., LuAnn Wandsnider
An Isolated Storage Vessel at Site 42SA20779 in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area: Adaptive Storage and Caching Behavior in the Prehistoric Southwest, Anne M. Wolley and Alan J. Osborn
Personality Development in Evolutionary Perspective, Patricia Draper and Jay Belsky
African Marriage Systems: Perspectives from Evolutionary Ecology, Patricia Draper
On the Nature and Antiquity of the Manix Lake Industry, Douglas Bamforth and Ronald Dorn
Technological Change and Child Behavior among the !Kung, Patricia Draper and Elizabeth Cashdan
A Sociobiological Perspective on the Development of Human Reproductive Strategies, Patricia Draper and Henry Harpending
The Allocation of Parental Care among the Ye'kwana, Raymond B. Hames
Archaeological Conservation as Process and Product: A Federal Perspective, Ronald D. Anzalone
Knife River Indian Villages Archaeological Program: An Overview, F. A. Calabrese
Testing sociobiological hypotheses ethnographically, Patricia Draper
Distribution Archaeology: Survey, Mapping, and Analysis of Surface Archaeological Materials in the Green River Basin, Wyoming, James I. Ebert, Signa Larralde, and LuAnn Wandsnider
Precis of Vaulting Ambition: Sociobiology and the Quest for Human Nature, Philip Kitcher, Patrick Bateson (Comment by), Jon Beckwith (Comment by), Irwin S. Bernstein (Comment by), Patricia Smith Churchland (Comment by), Patricia Draper (Comment by), John Dupre (Comment by), Andrew Futterman (Comment by), Michael T. Ghiselin (Comment by), Henry Harpending (Comment by), Timothy D. Johnston (Comment by), Garland E. Allen (Comment by), Michael E. Lamb (Comment by), W. C. McGrew (Comment by), H. C. Plotkin (Comment by), Alexander Rosenberg (Comment by), Peter T. Saunders (Comment by), Mae-Wan Ho (Comment by), Peter Singer (Comment by), Eric Aiden Smith (Comment by), Peter K. Smith (Comment by), Elliot Sober (Comment by), Nils C. Stenseth (Comment by), and Donald Symons (Comment by)
Scientific Research Programmes: Toward a Synthesis and Evaluation of CRM Archaeology, Alan J. Osborn
Introduction to Perspectives on archaeological resources management in the "Great Plains", Alan J. Osborn and Robert C. Hassler
"Preface" to Perspectives on archaeological resources management in the "Great Plains", Alan J. Osborn and Robert C. Hassler
Recovery of Parasite Remains From Coprolites and Latrines: Aspects of Paleoparasitological Technique, Karl J. Reinhard, Ulisses E. Confalonieri, Bernd Herrmann, Luiz F. Ferreira, and Adauto J. G. de Araujo
Two Views of Sex Differences in Socialization, Patricia Draper
Sex Differences in the Recognition of Infant Facial Expressions of Emotion: The Primary Caretaker Hypothesis, Raymond B. Hames and Wayne A. Babchuk
Beating a Dead Horse: Reply to Levy’s Comments, Alan J. Osborn
Monoculture, Polyculture, and Polyvariety in Tropical Forest Swidden Cultivation, Raymond B. Hames
Review of Demographic Structure and Evolution of a Peasant System: Guatemala by John D. Early, LuAnn Wandsnider