American Quilt Study Group


Uncoverings Journal

Date of this Version


Document Type



Uncoverings: The Research Papers of the American Quilt Study Group 9 (1988), 202 pages

San Francisco, California, United States

Editor: Laurel Horton

ISSN: 0277-0628


Copyright 1988, AQSG and the authors. Used by permission


Preface by Laurel Horton

The Land of Cotton: Quiltmaking by African-American Women in Three Southern States by Bets Ramsey

Donated Quilts Warmed Wartorn Europe by Joyce B. Peaden

A Study of "Alamance Plaids" and Their Use in North Carolina Quilts by Erma H. Kirkpatrick

The Use of Cotton Sacks in Quiltmaking by Pat L. Nickols

Quiltmaking in the Richland, Pennsylvania, Church of the Brethren, 1914-1937 by Pat Long

Quilting: Its Absence in Australia by Margaret Rolfe

Quilts at Nineteenth Century State and County Fairs: An Ohio Study by Virginia Gunn

The Textile Industry and South Carolina Quilts by Laurel Horton

The Nebraska Quilt History Project: Interpretations of Selected Parameters by Joseph F. Stonuey and Patricia Cox Crews

Diaries of New England Quilters Before 1860 by Lynn A. Bonfield

