Community and Regional Planning Program


Date of this Version

December 1990

Document Type



The CNGLA is an organization of citizens from central Nebraska representing Loup, Garfield, Wheeler, Greeley, Valley, Ouster, Howard, and Sherman counties concerned with the future of their region. The mission of the CNGLA is to initiate and promote the development of the region and to stimulate the economy and quality of life of all of its residents. It is a key objective of the CNGLA to develop a plan for accomplishing its mission.

In the summer of 1990, the CNGLA engaged the Department of Community and Regional Planning of the College of Architecture at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln to assist in the development of the plan. This study was undertaken by a group of second year graduate planning students in the Principles and Practices of Regional Planning and Development (CRP 911) class. While providing an important public service to the CNGLA region and the State of Nebraska, this project also partly fulfills the requirements of a Masters Degree in Community and Regional Planning at the University.

Study Description
This study is organized into two distinct phases: (1) the Assessment and Analysis Phase, and (2) the Planning and Programming Phase.

In the Assessment and Analysis Phase the systems approach was employed. The "systems approach" involves the identification and study of four sub-systems as follows:
1. Physical/Environmental Subsystem
2. Social/Demographic Subsystem
3. Economic/Financial Subsystem
4. Political/Jurisdictional Subsystem.
Relevant data was collected and analyzed relating to each of these four subsystems.

Data came from many sources including active participation by citizens in the region at town meetings and site visits, library research, as well as information provided by various public agencies and organizations.

The objective of the Assessment and Analysis Phase was to determine the problems and prospects for development in the region. The identification of problems and prospects led to the development of goals and objectives for the region. The problems and prospects along with goals and objectives identified in the Assessment and Analysis Phase were verified and amended by a delegation representing the CNGLA. A revised goals and objectives statement was drafted which became the agenda for the Planning and Programming Phase.

The Planning and Programming Phase involved the formulation of development strategies to meet the goals and objectives defined in the previous phase. Upon developing goals and sub-goals five key subject areas were identified:
1. Economic Development
2. Health, Human Services, and Housing
3. Tourism Development
4. Solid Waste Management
5. Implementation.
Each of these subject areas are addressed in the form of projects and programs that may be implemented by the CNGLA along with other public and private entities. The final result of this phase is an outline development plan for the CNGLA region. This plan was presented at a town meeting by the planning team. This report chronicles both phases of this undertaking and is the final product of this study.

This study was a professional planning project undertaken by graduate students and faculty in an academic setting over a duration of 15 weeks. Some recommendations of this study may require additional research and analysis. This study is intended to act as an agenda for action by the CNGLA. It offers a vast array of ideas, strategies, programs, and projects that my be implemented by the CNGLA or other agencies or organizations within the region. It is hoped that the recommendations of this study will be utilized to provide for further enhancement of the quality of life in the CNGLA region.
