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Thesis (M.S.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1969. Department of Agricultural Economics.


Copyright 1969, the author. Used by permission.


One of the many important decisions facing cattle feeders is the choice of feedstuffs and rations.The selection of feedstuffs is not complex for Nebraska and other Corn-belt feeders as for feeders in those areas with a wider array of available feedstuffs.One management decision of universal importance to all cattle feeders, however, is the most efficient organization of feedstuffs into rations.

Ration, as the term is used here, refers to the complete feed made available to the animal.The ration is composed of several feedstuffs or feed ingredients.Each ration is referred to with respect to its nutrient specifications, ingredient limitations, and usually its purpose such as growing, fattening, or starting beef animals on fattening programs.

Many problem areas exist in beef ration formulation, both in the nutritional and economic aspects.Because I have attempted to combine as much knowledge as possible from both areas into a realistic research endeavor, the objectives of this study were narrowed to three:

1) To formulate beef fattening rations which are nutritionally feasible.

2) To vary ration restrictions within feasible parameters.

3) To determine the least-cost performance level of ration restrictions.

Advisor:James Kendrick
