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Thesis (M.S.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1970. Home Economics Interdepartmental Area.


Copyright 1970, the author. Used by permission.


The major purposes of this study were to: (1) ascertain the attitudes of the sophomore and senior girls toward the home economics curriculum at Lincoln Northeast High School, Lincoln, Nebraska, and (2) determine the factors which affect the attitudes of the sophomore and senior girls. Attitudes of the students toward the home economics program were studied in relation to (1) junior high home economics courses, with emphasis on grade nine enrollment, (2) the educational level obtained by the mother, (3) mothers working or not working, (4) home responsibilities of the respondents, (5) respondents employed outside the home, and (6) the future plans of the respondents. Other factors selected for the study were “the reasons girls gave for electing or not electing home economics in high school.”

A six page questionnaire, revised by adapting parts of the instrument used by Lauscher, was administered to 86 girls, forty-four sophomore and forty-two senior girls at Lincoln Northeast High School. The questionnaire was administered to all sophomore and senior girls present in one guidance class section on April 16 and April 15, 1969, respectively.

Advisor: Shirley Kreutz
