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Thesis (M.S.)—University of Nebraska—Lincoln, 1950. Department of Home Economics.
Available literature reviewed in this paper reveals conflicting data as to hemoglobin and serum iron values of normal individuals. Further studies are needed to contribute toward these data and to lead to the establishment of reliable standards. In recent years, increasing emphasis has been placed on studies of normal healthy individuals in the Human Nutrition Research Laboratory at the University of Nebraska. This has made possible the compilation and evaluation of hemoglobin and serum iron values for a large group of women within a comparatively short period of time. The present study was made to determine whether or not there is correlation of either hemoglobin or serum iron levels with age, and whether any interrelationships exist between hemoglobin and serum iron levels in normal women.
Hemoglobin and serum iron values were determined on 230 presumably healthy women, ages 17 to 78 years. Among those represented were college students, housewives, and business and professional women, who were serving as subjects for studies of nutritional status. Hemoglobin and serum iron determinations were made on fasting blood samples which were obtained by venipuncture using glass syringes with stainless steel tips and needles.
Advisor: Doretta Schlaphoff
Copyright 1950, the author. Used by permission.